Soft Chewy Strawberry ๐Ÿ“ Daifuku


(Makes 4 pcs if using big strawberries, 8 pcs if just red bean paste filling)

60g Shiratamako Flour(Or buy Daiso Brand)
30gย caster sugar
100ml milk/water
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
Optional 1/2 teaspoon purple potato powder
4 Strawberries
80g Red Bean Paste(roll into 20g balls)
Corn Flour for dusting dough
Glass Bowl, Silicone Mat, Whisk, Spatula, Weighing Scale, teaspoon


1. Remove stems from strawberries, wash and pat dry with kitchen towel.

2.ย Take one red bean paste ball, flatten onto palm into a flat circle, place the strawberry in the centre, wrap paste leaving the tip exposed. This method allows u go gauge where to wrap the dough later. Finish the rest of the balls and leave aside.

3.ย In a glass bowl, add in the flour, sugar & purple potato powder, use a whisk to mix together. Pour in milk & vegetable oil. Cling wrap the bowl & microwave for 50 seconds, remove bowl, use spatula to mix then place it back into the microwave for another 1 minute. Mix again with spatula.

4.ย Spread cornflour evenly, remove hot dough and place onto floured mat with spatula. Sprinkle cornflour sparingly (means not so much) on top part of the sticky dough. U can use spatula to flatten the dough without burning ur fingers.

5. Divide dough into 4/8 even pieces. I didn’t weigh, just estimated. Just pinch each side two corners together, a rectangle piece will become a circle, then flatten with palm or rolling pin. You can also roll into a log while still warm to cut into even pieces and roll flat with rolling pin.

6.ย Place each circle onto strawberry tip side, turn over and pinch together to seal up, dust sticky areas with some cornflour before putting into cupcake liner/plate to prevent sticking. These are best eaten on the same day, don’t put in fridge, the texture of the skin will harden, either store in an airtight container & leave in a cool place or if u want it cold, u can freeze it(remember to cling wrap & let it thaw before consumption. (But texture might not be the same)

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